“Donald Trump, don’t trust China! China is A**hole!”

1 year ago

Remember this guy? Yeah, well he was spot on. President Trump was extraordinarily tough on China. He placed multi-billion dollar tariffs on them, incentivized American companies to move their factories and bring jobs back home, and reached phase one of a historic trade deal that unfortunately got destroyed when the Chinese Plague was unleashed upon the world.
While he maintained a good relationship with President Xi of China, he never trusted him, and rightfully so.

In an unprecedented move, he closed our borders to China just weeks after the virus hit our shores and was called all sorts of horrible names. (For example, Joe Biden called the president “xenophobic” even though he just recently closed our borders to India.) This action alone is estimated to have saved over ten million lives.

President Trump also said very early on that the virus was created in a Chinese laboratory in Wuhan, China. Again, he was proven to be correct.

Time and again, when President Trump is faced with a challenge, he takes it head-on, makes a decision, and gets blamed for it, only to be proven right later on. You can’t help but wonder what else he will be proven right about in the future…

Link to original Truth: https://truthsocial.com/users/arepublicans/statuses/108636277763892871

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