Interview 397 with Ted Mahr

Streamed on:

ed Mahr, Out of this World Radio
Ted is an author, gifted psychic, and successful radio show host. (See: He learned at a young age from his foster mother Teri, a master psychic, how to contact Angels and other benevolent spirits. He has been in contact with the other side since 1994 or for nearly 30 years.
He hosts his own metaphysical radio show called “Out of this World Radio” with an audience of over 900+ million listeners in over 100+ countries in German, and English – see: He broadcasts both on BBS Radio and International in Vienna, Austria (see: ). The purpose of his show is to make the world a much better and happier place. He does private readings and teaches people how to talk to the other side with their Angels and spirit guides, so they can find their soul purpose. He also does spiritual counseling and time travel/remote viewing. See: Every year he guides people on various spiritual trips, including Mt. Shasta California where people often experience miracle healings, and meet the Pleiadians, and Adama and the people of Telos in the Hollow Earth. (For more information, please email Ted at: )
He is the author of “Messages from the Masters: A Cosmic Book of Galactic Wisdom”, with messages from President John F. Kennedy, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, Nostradamus, Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, Nikolai Tesla, Dr. Masaru Emoto, President Eisenhower, and the Galactic Alliance, the Pleadians, as well as Zorra from the Hollow Earth. The book is all about our beautiful, bright future and how we can create it. See: An updated version of the book has also just been translated into German and is now published in Germany. See:
Ted has also just published a second book called “Journey to the Other Side: Talking with Angels and Benevolent Spirits”, which has just been published. See:
Ted is on the Board of Directors for the nonprofit Emoto Peace Project America, which distributes the children’s version of the Messages from Water, and does water education throughout the United States and the world. (See: Since 2018, he has been fund raising for clean water filters for the Hopi and Navajo Indians in Arizona, so they can drink clean water. Men on the Hopi reservation only live to 44 years, and women only live to 54 years because of polluted water. He alone has raised tens of thousands of dollars for clean water for the Hopi and Navajo.
He has advanced over 500 spiritual lifetimes (or over 4500 years), with this current life on Earth being his last before he returns to his Pleiadian home ship. Ted comes from a psychic family where it was normal to talk to Angels and spirits. He has nearly 30 years’ experience talking with the other side and benevolent Extraterrestrials. The purpose of his radio show and his life and work is to make this world a much better and happier place. If we can all work together, we can and will create a much better and happier world!

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