Is History Repeating itself?

1 year ago

Please share my decodes with all military personnel that you may know. There are many warriors among us that have trained for this from birth and only now realizing it. Soldiers and Veterans are very near and dear to my heart and they took an Oath to protect this country from enemies both foreign and domestic! I guess my voice is The Super Soldier Activator! Just going with the flow because it feels like the right thing to do! Huge hugs and big love to all!

Disclaimer: Energy is fluid decodes shared could be past, present or future; from this timeline or previous lifetimes. Take what serves you and leave the rest. If you are an energy vampire or play in an intuitives energetic fields, they may become aware of what you are doing. If you don't want to be caught don't meddle or siphon another's energy. Always know that there is a higher power watching you. Only take what serves your higher purpose and what is for your greatest good. Once you know better, you do better! All things bright and beautiful to you and yours. Huge hugs and big love.

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