Mark DePonte, Owner/Producer of Moosenuts Junction Productions, LLC

2 years ago

What if you were offered the chance to run away and live your Dream Life, a fabulous new house, hot car, your fantasy job? The catch? Leave everyone you know and love behind forever. No Goodbyes, Leave NOW, with the clothes on your back.

If you ever try to contact anyone from your old life...You LOSE EVERYTHING.

Enter Mark DePonte, Owner/Producer of Moosenuts Junction Productions, LLC and the Reality TV Show "Get Up and Go!", that promises a new identity and the life of your dreams. In a world driven by fantastical IG stories and 'I wish I had that life mentality,' this concept is a real head scratcher as we enter 2023.

Mark says, "Everyone reaches that point in their life where they have been defeated and want to run away and start over. Even if they were willing to leave everyone behind, the reality of having NOTHING when you leave is just as big of a fear. But "Get Up and Go!" takes away that hurdle. We provide contestants with EVERYTHING they need to start a new life. The show will shed some light and test the odds at what could actually happen if you left your life and loved ones behind. The audience would watch as some contestants find that they underappreciated what they once had, while others would finally find success and happiness. And seeing the wreckage back home caused by those who left, is also a lesson to be learned."

Mark has written a book based on this concept. Available at AMAZON
Barnes & Noble and AppleBooks. It follows the lives of four fictional characters that accept the offer to be on Get Up and Go! Mark is also in Pre-Production of a Movie based on the book.

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