LIVE: Damar Hamlin Hiding Vaxx Injury, Don't Fall For Psyop! Pfizer CAN Be Charged For Their Crimes!

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The Republican party is a criminal racketeering organization that misleads donors.
Steve Stern is here to voice his support for Mike Lindell to be the next head of the Republican National Committee.

Is Damar Hamlin trying to hide the real cause of his heart attack from the very people who prayed for God to heal him?
Lauren Witzke is here to answer questions about Damar Hamlin’s suspicious appearance and why he refused to show his face.

Big Pharma’s liability shield is a lie and they can be criminally charged for manslaughter.
Karen Kingston reveals the Geneva Convention clearly states any organization that willfully murders can be charged.

Members of Congress in the uniparty are caught up in a communist Chinese influence operation.
Frankie Stockes of National File talks about the Humpty Dumpty Institute (HDI) and it's questionable relationships with orphanages in war torn countries.

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