Darren Beattie: The Federal Government is The Enemy of The Republic

2 years ago

Today, The Two Mikes spoke with Darren Beattie, the owner and editor of the internet's Revolver News and the author of the introduction of the January 6th Commission Report, which will be published by Skyhorse Publishers tomorrow, January 10th.

We conducted a lengthy conversation about the events of January 6th and other issues. Mr. Beattie explained that there is a great deal of irrefutable reporting that the Federal government was the instigator of the January 6th demonstration disorder.

--Revolver News: https://www.revolver.news/ 

--Mr. Beattie's new book (below) is available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Powell's Books and other booksellers. My own expectation is that the Democratic Party will fill the internet sites offering the book with negative comments written by its shills in an effort to dissuade people from reading it. I had the same experience at the hands of the Bush and Obama regime's.

The January 6th Report: The Report of the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol: https://www.amazon.com/January-6th-Report-Committee-Investigate/dp/1510775080/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2T30EZ2OYROX9&keywords=darren+beattie&qid=1673361299&sprefix=darren+beattie%2Caps%2C106&sr=8-1

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