GG4 Review

2 years ago


Gorilla Glue#4 - 20% THC Flower: Light green with frosted trycs.
Lille Broccoli nuggs Here.
Smell: Sour diesel, earthy, piney and a little spicy.
Crumble: Grinds to a fluff which is denser than expected.
That saves you money.

Burn: Nice and even, burns quickly and cashes out quickly though like a sativa.
Taste: Diesel. Reminds me of that old school sour diesel from back in the day.
High: The best part about Gorilla Glue #4 is the "smack you in the face,
sit you down on the couch and chill the fuck out"
This is probably the perfect strain.
For long movies or a video game sesh's

Basically Where did the time go?
Overall Experience: 4.25/5
GG4 strain helps with Stress

(31% of people say it helps with stress
25% of people say it helps with anxiety
25% of people say it helps with pain)

Overall - 4,25 out of 15
Appearance - 4 out of 5
Aroma - 4 out of 5
Flavor - 4 out of 5
Effect - 5 out of 5

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