who we are , where we are and where we are going Part 2

1 year ago

Part 2 of my first video, unfolding beings moving from bodies of density Carbon to light, Purity of water and food effecting our operating system and consciousness/energy vibratory states. The awareness that evil and blessedness equally exist if it is manifest in form in must first be found on other bandwidths then imposes it self into our manifest world. being awake is knowing that the dark and light is contained within us in the great whole it is only a matter of where we focus and align our self with the power that is the cosmos. The taboo of not acknowledging the darkness that is manifest in the universe and the energies and beings projecting evils within this reality. The higher realms of light finding themselves apart of all life. The ONENESS of commune/ communication between worlds within our consciousness, It is all within our SELF it is only a matter of finding the other aspects of life (BEINGS,REALITIES,WORLDS,HEAVENS) ALL within us.
Psychic faculties and how they too work from our connectivity within the grand field of infinity. We are the omnipresent SELF, We are the portals of light that bring the beings of heavens to connect to apart THERE OWN life here on earth!!!! We take to form in infinite ways and the limited view of humanity of merely being a human needs to be opened right up to the possibilities without end that are contained in GOD. We are all playing our part in this grand transformation from an age of matter to an age of spirit. Our planetary Liberation and the challenges of remaining in ONENESS while being subjected to tyrannical environments and oppression. We are being held within the lower spheres, realities, chakras of fear,guilt,shame, scarcity,competition,division,unworthiness, MORTAL DESIRES, MORTAL PLEASURES. The children are the future that is here now. Our structure of worldly collective agreements that we all adhere to that keeps this reality a cage for the expression of our soul and the beliefs that create this world of power and selfishness. We all are contributing to what we call THIS LIFE. The falling of systems that are no longer in alignment with the higher aspects of living in oneness and self awareness of our connectivity. Suffering is apart of our growth it is the catalyst for wisdom. HOW THE NEWS HAS BEEN USED TO MANIPULATE AND CONTROL THE POPULATION. We are the living library of the cosmos. I stray in mind a TAD and get a little passionate have patience in my light. The children are the great lights that are here for a great future earth and how they have been targeted to be shut down their consciousness by any means. The black projects and their interaction with of planet cultures and multidimensional beings their alignment with forces that would further the agenda of keeping this reality a slave race of beings in forgetfulness of our own DIVINITY!!! WE ARE THE ILLUMINATOR'S OF THIS WORLD. NO DARKNESS WILL STOP THE LIGHT!!! The psychology field and children's mental health must accept our multidimensional selves and how our consciousness aligns with the forces of the lower spheres and also with the higher spheres and the all pervading SOURCE. CONTROLS BIGGEST FEAR IS THAT WE REMEMBER WHO WE ARE!!!!!! My personal experience in the darkness and in the light.My experiences with governmental agencies surveillance and dark fleet technologies used against me because of my awareness of consciousness and my connectedness to the star nations and the source that dwells within us all. My experience as a child being diagnosed with having disorders by health professions and advising that i be medicated, My experiences of being and Adult and interacting with negative and positive worlds and its effect on my mind and how my perceptions would and could be seen as complete delusional psychosis. The contrived and twisted life of a man overly spoken of and seldom known. My thoughts on the display of the crucifixion and its effects on children and the worthiness of people and our relationship of oneness with in god ( FOR WE ALL ARE ONE WITH GOD). God lives in all beings that draw near to god and our oneness. WE ARE ALL WITHIN ONE ANOTHER. We are the cosmic future of love, may you be blessed to awaken by and within grace!!!!
The two timelines one of slavery and one of liberation.

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