Handgun Brutality FAQ

2 years ago

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We're hosting the first ever Handgun only Brutality match APRIL 7-9TH, 2023.
In this video, Sinistral Rifleman and Karl answers some of the most common questions about the event and clarify divisions and rules.

0:33 - Basic Info
1:35 - What guns are we going to use?
2:53 - Should we expect odd positions and support side shooting?
3:50 - How should we measure our gun's dimensions?
5:51 - How should we measure magazine length?
6:24 - Advantageous to switch between 357 magnum and 38 special in a stage?
7:37 - Can stages be unique because it's only a handgun match?
8:50 - What features/rules/stage designs will you be bringing over from IPSC/IDPA/SASS?
12:11 - What will I experience will have at Handgun Brutality that is different just one of my local handgun matches?
13:50 - Will there be a kettlebell? Crawling? Heavy objects?
14:08 - What is the last gun in the world you'd want to use at this match?
15:04 - What are the caliber / power restrictions?
16:56 - What is the minimum handgun "required" to finish stages?
19:32 - What sort of gear would you recommend? Pouches/Holsters/etc?
21:18 - Will the 180 applied to a known empty pistol?
22:45 - How will the Kasarda drill work with a handgun?
23:37 - What distances should we expect to shoot to?
25:02 - What should shooters try to avoid during physical challenges with their handgun?
25:49 - General discussion about what the match will be like.

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