Corridors of Synth - A Chrono Trigger synthwave remix made on Korg Gadget Switch

1 year ago

The chrono series is probably the best JRPG duology in existance. Like my last Chrono Cross remix, this time I had a request, so this is what I came up with. This is a remix of Corridors of Time, the theme when you get to Zeal. Got any suggestions for my next song? Let me know! This was made with the Korg Gadget Switch App. HIGHLY recommended!

#videogamemusic #chronotrigger #synthwave #jrpg #music

To be fair, I feel like there is much more I could have done, but for brevity sake, I think its at least somewhat decent. This one was a tough one for me, which was surprising. Ah well. Its all in the drive to keep practicing! Thanks everyone!

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