2 years ago

Part 1 - Corrupt Court System
Part 2 - Criminal Law
Part 3 - Citations
Part 4 - Summons & Law Suits
Part 5 - Divorce
Part 6 - Foreclosure

Hello Sovereign Men, Women and Children... and WELCOME to my channel!!!

I will be sharing information on truth, and I hope you will join me on my journey as we discover the truth together. We are in the Matrix folks!

I want you to understand how CORRUPT our court systems really are. From the wisdom of an ex-judge who retired and shared some mind-blowing truths on how the court systems are run from the inside.
Corrupt corporations that are not here to help the people. It's so they can tap into our trust!

If you value your freedoms, please subscribe to my channel and join me on this journey towards TRUTH and FREEDOM for the entire world! There are still so many blind to what is going on... but together, we can light up the world with the TRUTH!

I believe draining the swamp is the answer to the people rising up!

from Judge Dale himself, here is the link: https://anticorruptionsociety.files.wordpress.com/2014/06/the-legal-process-sm-book-format.pdf

You may have looked into this before, but I literally retired from a 26 year career to help the people and would love to hear from you if you are interested in taking the path to freedom. It is a journey, and I am excited to share with you what I have learned!

It's important that we learn to stand in our convictions on what we know in our heart, soul and mind are TRUTH! Everything teaches us to live outside of ourselves, don't be deceived!

Would you like to Revoke your Election and keep your income taxes for yourself? Watch EP.10 on how I explain the process!

Together, we can combat this together and live as free and Sovereign men, women & children of One New Earth, without the fear of the IRS or government tyranny. Congress is already trying to shut it down! We need to take the reigns and be the Kings and Queens God created us to be.

Full video of American National and Cop interaction - https://www.bitchute.com/video/N6BYc8iZheu2/

You can visit my website for more truth and information, and go to my Contact Page to reach out if you would like to untangle yourself from this web and set up a free zoom call with me. I am here to help!

Website: www.onenewearth.org
Tons of truth and evidence about our world, and the inner-weavings of this complex system placed on the people under their noses.

Locals: https://locals.com/feed/36826/one-new-earth
Support my Locals Page, where I will be posting all of my videos first, and interacting with members who are awake and sharing truth also!

Truth Social: https://truthsocial.com/@onenewearth

Telegram: https://t.me/OperationNewEarth

Gab: https://gab.com/groups/57404

If you would like to support One New Earth and my mission, I appreciate all support in my fight for truth! I want to see One New Earth take place, where we all share information and help each other. To assist all men, women and children in understanding whats going on underneath the surface of our government.

Sign up on Donor Box here if you are not already and member! https://donorbox.org/orgs/new?grsf=01jihn

Donorbox Link Here: https://donorbox.org/one-new-earth-donations


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