Omicron Variant Australia to the Number 666

2 years ago

WHO declared that the variants of Covid would be named after the 24 Letters of the Greek alphabet. Alpha to Omega.

2021 - 2022 - 2023 - 2024 is the schedule.

We are still at Omicron and its sub variants with there made up number names they would have us believe. The world is their stage and it's all a great performance.

The Next variant to emerge will be "PI" 3.14 and Number 216. But this won't be announced officially till the numbers are up.

Predictive programming. Obama's Numbers in the film.

Movie Knowing 2009 "What happens when the numbers run out"

Movie PI Faith in Chaos 1998. Watch the trailers.

Filmed in black and white to show dualism amongst many things.

Pi Faith in Chaos is all about the number 216. 6x6x6.
Wikipedia page number 216.

Covid will continue till 2025 then something new will emerge Catastrophic Contagion exercise simulation that has already occurred.

First Australian to die from Covid announced by the Australian Government.

1st March 2020.

+ 666 Days

= First Omicron Death to be announced by the Australian Government.
26th December 2021.

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