Phi | The Golden Ratio | #shorts

1 year ago

The golden ratio, also known as phi, is a beautiful mathematical constant found throughout nature. It's also incredibly beneficial to the human body and mind. As it relates to the body, phi is found in the Fibonacci, in the proportions of the face, hands, and feet. It's been studied extensively by artists, architects, and mathematicians, as it often creates aesthetically pleasing proportions in artwork, and increases integrity in engineering.

This same ratio has been linked to positive psychological benefits as well. Studies have found that elements in art and music created using phi are found to be more pleasing to the eye and ear. This ratio is also thought to contribute to feelings of Peace, harmony, balance, and beauty.

The golden ratio just may be single greatest constant found in the universe. It has the potential to positively influence both the body and mind in astonishing ways, and there is still so much to discover deep within its fractal nature. It's no surprise then that phi has been studied and admired for centuries.

Phi Balanced™️ Technology
By Phi Tribe

Phi Tribe is your exclusive source for all music using this balanced tuning, with an entire catalog of music created in 432Hz and utilizing Phi Tuning methods to suit any mood or activity.

Released by Phi Tribe Entertainment

For more behind the scenes video of the making of this song and others on Phi Tribe, please subscribe to
Fords Playground on YouTube

For all music licensing inquiries contact:
IG: mix_mike1313

And for more great 432Hz music, please subscribe to the Phi Tribe YouTube Channel.

IG: @phitribe369
TW: @phitribe


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