Killer jailed for stapping innocent boy, 16, to death in bid to steal his phone

2 years ago

Stelios Averkiou kicked the bucket in medical clinic nine days after the assault in Tottenham

Kyi-Reice Sylvester has been imprisoned for killing Stelios Averkiou

A young person who killed a 16-year-old kid after he faced him during a group burglary in Tottenham has been imprisoned. Stelios Averkiou, 16,

had been lethally cut multiple times in his thigh after he slapped Kyi-Reice Sylvester, 18, who was attempting to take his telephone.

He fell to the ground and was Moved via air emergency vehicle to the Illustrious

London Medical clinic in Whitechapel at around 2.10pm on August 1, 2021. Unfortunately, he passed on nine Days after the fact because of his wounds.

Following an Old Bailey preliminary, Sylvester, of Cheshunt, was viewed as at fault for homicide and was today (January 20) imprisoned for a very long time

. Leon Gruber, 18, of N18, was cleared of homicide however had already

conceded to four separate counts of theft and has been locked in a correctional facility for a considerable length of time.

Leon Gruber was cleared of homicide

Members of the jury heard that Stelios had been sitting with two companions on a seat at Lordship

Path Amusement Ground when they were drawn closer by Sylvester and Gruber at around 2pm.

They continued to attempt to loot them, with Sylvester taking his telephone which prompted a verbal quarrel.

Stelios opposed and Sylvester smacked him around the face, making his casualty answer by hitting him in the cheek.

Outfitted with an enormous blade, Sylvester wounded Stelios multiple times

After he stumbled against the edge of the seat, making a 18cm injury his thigh.

Gruber attempted to take a telephone from one of Stelios' companions and took a bicycle from the other before the two escaped.

The London Emergency vehicle Administration were called at 2.09pm and alarmed cops, who found the teen draining intensely from his leg wound.

They attempted to stem the draining and surgeons from the London Air Rescue vehicle performed crisis medical procedure at the scene prior to moving to emergency clinic.

He passed on August 10 having never recovered cognizance.

Sylvester and Gruber were captured after Met Cops followed the developments of their cell phones,

with phone information setting them at the location of the wounding.

CCTV film likewise showed the two suspects running away from the area with Gruber riding ceaselessly in a bicycle having a place with one of Stelios' companions.

Sylvester was immediately recognized as a suspect

What's more, officials found that he had been as of late captured in the organization of Gruber for various blade point burglaries

. He introduced himself at Wood Green Police headquarters and answered 'no remark' to all inquiries.

There was no debate the respondents denied Stelios of his cell phone and his companion's bike or that Sylvester cut him.

Sylvester had denied significance to kill or inflict any kind of damage and Gruber denied empowering the brutality.

'He was there one moment, gone the following'

Stelios' mom, Maria Averkiou, said: "My family has been torn separated by a demonstration of silly viciousness

. Stelios was doing nothing out of sorts. He was a 16-year-old kid with his companions in a recreation area. I can't start to comprehend how one individual could do that to another.
Our hearts are broken."

On the effect on Stelios' loved ones,

he cited his mom as saying: "It was not like he had a drawn out disease and we got the opportunity
To really focus on him and bid farewell. He was in a real sense there one moment and gone the following." As he was sent down,

an individual from the casualty's family called for him to "decay" in prison and left the court shouting.

DCI Rawlinson, added: "Sadly, another youthful life has been stopped by individuals who convey blades.

Stelios' family has had to deal with a ton of hardship, from the second the assault occurred, through his time in emergency clinic,

his demise and finishing up with the preliminary. It is my earnest expectation that his friends and family track down a proportion of solace in that decision.

My contemplations are with them. "I might want to thank the individuals from the

Public who approached to assist us with this Examination. We comprehend how alarming

It should be to observe an episode of this nature However the public's assistance is vital for keep our

Networks safe and we have unique Estimates we can use to assist with safeguarding the Daring nation who approach."

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