Kærleikur just after he got shoes in front first time ever

1 year ago

Not to many updates reach me. His progress comes in babysteps. Kæri got shoed for the very first time, but for the safety of the farrier it was necessary to cluster his hindlegs, so he could move but not kick. Kæri is smart, because he instantly knew this wasnt working and was very sweet and nice for the rest of the procedure. I hope he changed his mindset on kicking completely, but he makes progress even on that. He is not aggressive, he just uses his legs in frustration when he cant flee from something he finds scary. Very important to not give him what he wants but make clear this gets him nowhere.
They lunge him now with a saddle on his back, and I am confident he now also has a bridle. He is difficult to halter (also likes to kick) so that takes a little longer as I think they wait until he is totally fine to be haltered and, he needs to be checked by a vet if his teeth are ok first. Standard procedure with his trainer :)

So for now, its a bit waiting. This upcoming week Im superbusy with work, but the weather is finaly above freezing and rain which means its easier for me to go visit him. I might try to see him between shifts at work. I cant wait :)

Until next update!

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