FREEPOLITIK -- PlayingFreedom

1 year ago

I spent a couple decades involved in Christian ministry and there were a few things that those of us who were active in the church noticed. There was a running joke that some people who go to church are SMO’s — Sunday Morning Only.

They showed up every week, dressed nice, greeted people, enjoyed the service and went home. That is probably 80% of the church. There was another expression for people like this who put on a church face every week — they were “playing church.” The other 20% ran every program, showed up at every event and were in the worship team, youth groups and every Bible Study.

Similarly, there are some in the Freedom Movement who are “playing freedom.” They show up at the big rallies, watch the speakers, buy a couple T-shirts and go home. Then wonder why they have a feeling of hopelessness like nothing is happening. Meanwhile, the people who are involved feel hopeful and energised by the prospect of actively fighting for our freedom.


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