Discouraged While Walking With Jesus? | Luke 24 | Austin Hamrick

3 years ago

Luke 24 is often seen as a model of the journey that Jesus makes with many of us today. Two followers of Jesus don’t even recognize their risen Lord as they walk along the road and have conversation with Him. Suddenly, their eyes are opened, and their deep discouragement turns into passion. Similarly, as followers of Jesus, we all at times will experience discouragement and apathy in our own walks with the Lord. What is the remedy to discouragement and spiritual blindness in the life of the believer? Join our Bible study today to find out.

Points from the message:

-Why did the two men not recognize Jesus?

They had a low view of His Person
They had a low expectation of His Power
They had little belief in His Promises

-What is the remedy to discouragement in the life of the believer?

Time in the Word (vs 27, 32)
Fellowship at His Table (vs 30-31)

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