23 - UotUs Phone Home

2 years ago

The truth is not out there it's in here. That is within this episode of UotUs, where the Unknowns grapple with the thorny subject of UFOs. Or should we say UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) now to fall in line with the US Navy?
While none of us have had any direct experience of the phenomenon, outside of seeing some unusual lights in the sky, we all agree that there is something strange, not to say otherworldly, going on. The weight of first hand evidence of ordinary people experiencing extraordinary things speaks to an underlying reality behind the testimonies. Whether the UFO phenomenon is all down to alien visitations, or whether there is at least some aspect of interdimensional demonic entities, and/or deep state black projects with a sprinkling of MKULTRA style mind control, is still open to debate.

We do of course know that our "favourite" three-letter agencies have no hesitation in exploiting an existing phenomenon for their own purposes. So whilst there may be an underlying, non-human aspect at the heart of the UFO experience, it would be of no surprise to us if the powers that shouldn't be are responsible for at least some of the sightings and close encounters. Maybe they really are extra-terrestrial lizard people? That would explain some of their distinctly anti-human behaviour.

We round up discussing the stories of encounters with entities and "saucernauts", some of which involve horrific bodily violations and experiments on unsuspecting human victims, done by creepy and seemingly soulless grey aliens. Such stories go back to the early 1960s at least, and the famous abduction of Betty and Barney Hill. If these abductions are science experiments being carried out by extra-terrestrials, surely they have enough data by now? So perhaps they are "merely" demonic entities torturing us for their own warped purposes?

Given all the above, I think I will be satisfied with the occasional sighting of a strange light in the dark night skies we have here on my island home. No close encounters for me, thank you very much.
Wow it's very bright outside all of a sudden. I'll just pop out and see what's going on; back in a minute...

Unknowns featured this week: Keel, Ashley, Terry, Justin and Stella.

Useful links:
You Are Loved Store- Jackye’s online shop: "Their goal is to spread love and kindness throughout the world through every day and specialty items".
The UFO Experience by J Allen Hynek: excellent introduction to the UFO phenomenon by the former scientific advisor to the US Air Force's Project Blue Book, their official department set up to investigate UFO sightings.

We don’t really do social media as individuals: we are Unknowns after all. But you can contact our group via:
Twitter - @UnionUnknowns;
Email — unionoftheunknowns@gmail.com;
Phone - 404-482-3130

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