Sunday with "Thrivers" - 01.22.23

1 year ago

TwoSistas and we had a blast on our Sunday Evening Podcast - A Night of “Thrive” on January 22, 2023 - Thrivers / ThriveElite Progress Updates. You’ve heard us chat often about our Thrive experience and we were excited to share the stories of other amazing “Thrivers” in this episode!!

What we heard, what we saw - was ahhhhhmazing!! These “Thrivers” had many things in common but what stood out, they tried it! They may have had their doubts, they may have been watching a family member or friend and the results of their Thrive experience, but they tried it and fell in LOVE with the product!

We also chatted about Thrive Classic and Thrive Elite. All of these products are Vegan and Gluten Free. The difference between the Classic vs Elite - Thrive Elite is the fat reduction / appetite control. This is LeVel's segway into the weight / fat loss industry and the results thus far in a very short amount of time are mind-blowing!

We will of course post the before / after pictures etc on the TwoSistas Facebook page - seeing is believing and when you hear how this product has dramatically shifted these womens’ lives, you’ll want to try it as well - what do you have to lose??!!

A special thank you to our amazing guests that shared their journeys with us thus far:

Ria Barclay
Melissa McFarland Berry
Tabitha Nelson

As always, a special shout out to our upline Kristen Jenna Hodge!

A final thought - do you feel your vitamins? As Ria asked, “why wouldn’t you want to feel good?”

Really, do you feel your vitamins? We want to know and we would love to hear from you! Also, if you want to learn more about how you can get started with Thrive, let us know. We would be happy to assist you! Go to our website and leave us a voice message:

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