23 01 23 OUR PRECIOUS CONSTITUTION Part 4 - OUR CORONATION SERVICE The Beginning of the Communion

1 year ago

David P Griffiths presents:

"God Our Defender" was truly known during the years of the Second World war when King George VI called National Days of Prayer, a strategy completely constitutional.

Today with the creeping "woke" ideology we find attempts to remove that which has been precious to Britain for centuries. we in the Scottish heritage Party rely with our own written Constitution.

David Griffiths emphasizes the freedom of choice given by our Coronation Service, by the virtue and vision at the heart of it and the protection it brings to the citizens of the UK both born and unborn.

Time for a radical change from the mainstream parties, for years disobeying the Constitutional acts of our country, a country built on its Judeo-Christian heritage, one of family values.

​Promoted by David P Griffiths - Scottish Heritage Party, 25, George Street, Whithorn, DG8 8NS. 07542 565415.

E Mail: scotsheritage4219@gmail.com

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