Agenda21/30 SMART METERS. An urgent warning. Deborah Tavaras

1 year ago

This video is 'rescued' from Y Tube (One I made earlier) as is the following description:

13,516 views Aug 3, 2012 Deborah is a non stop campaigner against Smart Meters, Cell phone microwaves, Chemtrails, and the many other threats to our safe, healthy and secure ways of life,.which are ours by birthright and constitution! Deborah and the 'team' around San Francisco have been successful in stopping the onslaught of Smart Meters in many local towns. They attend 'Town Hall' meetings, and lobby the dignitaries from PG&E, as well as leafleting and outreaching to the public. They show us that IT CAN BE DONE! The dangers to our health and to our loss of privacy in our own homes, are present HERE and NOW. It is proved that the SMART METERS are radiating excessive microwave signals, despite denials by the Energy Companies installing them (In the UK they are being installed by G4S which is primarily a SECURITY company, NOT an energy company!) Also the Meters are ready to read the microchips that are being installed in all of our appliances in the home. Their signal will be sent by WIFI to a central data bank where the operatives will have the power and the facility to cut off our energy supplies, if they consider that we have overused our allotted energy rations. There are dangers in all directions, surrounding the SMART METER. If that does not trouble you, then try the scandal of the BILLIONS of Dollars, Pounds and Euros being spent of this frivolous project. In these days of recession, with our life support services being cut back drastically to save money, why can the governments suddenly find these vast amounts of money going spare, to subsidize this project? It IS your tax money they' re spending, and the money they are saving by taking away YOUR services in YOUR town. Research in the UK at: and also at follow the campaign in the US on:

Disclaimer: The makers of this video do not necessarily agree with its content. It is offered for education and information.

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