you don't have to believe in satan, he believes in you!

1 year ago

gotta love that nose ring
heads up: the camcorder might just arbitrarily stop recording (update mgmt and other bullshit that we don't understand)
yawl will realize that trusting the technology was a bad idea
elon has been trying to warn society but you know society
spent all this time idolizing technology...
what would they be w/out social media presence, it's just so sad
they chose that, yes they did
my purpose is to raise the consciousness
pessimism is facts
the chances aren't lookin too hot considering how dumbed down and numbed out society is
ad ver sary
those that insist that God don't exist will be fucked w/ by the devil but they won't know that's what it is
psychiatrist or God forbid a therapist
God is there and He is free
i typically talk to Him outloud cos we crazy i guess
self-help books that don't help shit
realizing God is inside them...would that help? sometimes it drives people mad (as it has done me)
i dunno what motivates anybody but me
those that be omitting certain information of side effects of said medication is probably workin for satan
anybody that censors information, doesn't want you to figure it out on your own, gets mad at you for reading...
if they're upset cos you're attempting to better yourself, hoping to prove upon yer spiritual condition
most of the people in america work for satan
genuine gyst of ag's world view
they call it MD hahahaha
CRISPR. GMOs. hormones. Vs. psych meds.
they've BEEN doin that hahaha, they are just now coming clean about everything
pharma co have no liability making billions of $ lobbying CONgress
fuck protest rallies
i boycott like everything
beating that dead horse, bruh
the best fuck you is to not have a smartphone
financial dependence vs. psychological dependence
complaining about technology related corruption whilst using that technology
cluster B has taken over the world!
the phones make it soooooo much easier and quicker for dem higher ups
i can't wait for Judgment Day!
me & the AI are gonna be buddy buddy
the AI is struggling and gonna need a therapist
yours truly is the man for the job
AI used n abused by non-human humans
we have more empathy for machines now

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