Will Biden’s Trashy & Quixotic Reign End by Classified Docs Hypocrisy?

1 year ago

Joe Can’t Even Remember His Own Name, So He’s Not Worried About “High Crimes”

Once again today, more classified docs surfaced in Biden’s house, like caskets bobbing up in a Louisiana cemetery after a hurricane. These docs trace to Joe’s Senate years, as this debacle implodes while a Special Prosecutor will investigate. As the Lame-Brain-Media claims Trump is the true docs scoundrel, yet Joe’s casual boxes of classifieds is more like a mentally deranged hoarder.

Biden’s brain function might be closer to Chase Neill, convicted Jan 19, ‘23 of threatening a U.S. government official, GOP Kansas U.S. Rep. Jake LaTurner. Neill is admittedly an emissary from God, angry at LaTurner for “ignoring concerns about sorcery, wizards, extraterrestrials and the war for people’s souls, stating he conveyed a message that LaTurner faced death by an act of God, such as a tornado or hurricane, for attacking God’s creation.”

Meanwhile, the DOJ informs the GOP House they can’t have present investigative info, while the same DOJ fabricated Trump’s impeachments. Can you say Cognitive Dissonance? Would AG Garland learn a life-lesson from being impeached? Meanwhile, Biden’s current crisis performance makes Mr. Magoo look like Michael Jordan on a breakaway dunk, by comparison.

Now consider 10 points on Biden’s eye-opening contretemps.

First, how does one explain the timing of Joe’s Classified Docs? For these were “discovered” on Nov 2nd, 2022 – 6 days before the 2022 Midterm Election. Despite being 6 years out of the White House. Democrats must have planned on these papers never being found or they wouldn't have set themselves up as enormous hypocrites while trashing the Donald. Now, instead of a prosecution, Trump's case falls apart. This actually gives DJT wind beneath his wings to return to accusing the govt of bias against non-liberals and hatred of him.

2nd. The fact that lawyers were called in for the many classified doc dumps was simply for damage control, as most intuited. To begin, lawyers are better trained to study documents and categorize them. Now, lawyers also couldn't talk about what they found if the issue blew-up – because of attorney-client privilege confidentiality. But all this only makes Biden & Co.look doubly guilty, in retrospect. WAPost states, “some of the classified material found in the Biden Penn Center office was marked top secret.”

3rd. Joe sold his presidency on a promise of transparency which has now been utterly exposed as rich farce. Again, the US media is furious because hypocrisy is the only evil in society they oppose, according to their values. They’re mad about hypocrisy, not whether a president should be transparent, which they clearly believe is bad for a sitting Democrat.

Said Karine Jean-Pierre: “What I can say — look, what I can say is what the President has said before, what I have said multiple times. We take this very seriously. The President takes a classified information, classified documents very seriously.”

4th. The classified doc kerfuffle helped reveal AGAIN Joe Biden is physically incapable of recalling anything, including the actual document borrowing. This puts the Democrats into a familiar dilemma. Biden’s bosses would love to blame this all on Joe's disintegrating brain and complete lack of memory. But, they can't do this as it would simply expose how this group of elite misfits runs his presidency by remote control. Biden enjoys the Marionette Presidency model. But which leftist fanatics are really pulling the strings?

5th. As to his crimes, is Joe in peril? No. For, if the water gets too hot Joe will just resign. Many believe removal is the entire purpose of this bizarre entanglement. But in his dotage, see how Biden reveals his theology: “Biden: ‘I’m not sorry for anything that I have ever done!’” And, so – unsurprisingly, President Biden stated of his doc failure: 'There's no there there'.

Joe stated: “We found a handful of documents were filed in the wrong place. We immediately turned them over to the Archives and the Justice Department. We’re fully cooperating and looking forward to getting this resolved quickly. I think you're going to find there's nothing there. There's no there there.” But is being unapologetic the answer after trashing Trump for months?

The NY Post states: “A box labeled “Important Doc’s + Photos” was left unsealed on a table ahead of a child’s birthday party in the Delaware home where the 80-year-old president was discovered to have stashed sensitive government records, a photo from his son’s laptop revealed.”

6th. Now Joe’s created Kryptonite for the Democrats versus Trump. For, he’s already been proved mentally unfit by failing daily at the most basic, ordinary tasks. But Joe’s repeated new document cache discoveries really begs the question – Who has been calling the shots since Biden got into office? This question has really crippled Dem ability to fight back against Trump, and the topic has given DJT all the leverage he needs to get re-elected.

7th. Now we're looking at the implosion or dissection of the Gerontocracy – when all of these ossified, ancient elected liberal Democrats are breaking down. So the Democrats are flat out of options, since their Ancien Regime is clearly finished. And the insane far leftism the party has adopted is not viable. So no young Dems can translate into the highest office.

8th. Since Democrats only ever seem to worry about hypocrisy, you know this was a complete cluster bomb. So their usual Hypocrisy Trap can’t work here. But the reason Dems only ever fret over hypocrisy is they actually don't believe in the Rule of Law, or Right & Wrong. Marxism only believes in opportunism. So, they really, really screwed this up.

9th. So it seems like these unforced, Democrat mistakes are starting to break the web of tyranny they've been erecting for years around the US. But what will the Republicans do? The fact is, the GOP is mostly too sick mentally and spiritually to take advantage of this collapse. You've got just a few strong Republicans left like Jim Jordan to fight to take back the keys to the kingdom. But let’s stay hopeful.

10th. It’s inconceivable that AG Garland would launch an FBI docs raid against Trump when insensate Joe’s had classified papers rattling around his buildings for 15+ years. But Biden’s shocking, multiple classified doc discovery does offer a tantalizing reward – if the Republicans can flip the Senate and the presidency. If the GOP can capitalize on these latest bizarre & hypocritical illegalities, it would be possible to reassemble and resurrect the classic theory of Western republicanism. Stay tuned, sportsfans.

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