JUAN O SAVIN- the Question: JFKjr ? - *clipped* Mel Carmine 1 22 2023

2 years ago

This is just a part one. Juan has had to answer this in the past. Is he JFKjr? That Mel is a first interview and this is very short.. a second part is anticipated. The answer is not enough for most people. But is pretty clear for others. They also start down the road of a much more interesting conversation. Consider this a short introduction for Mel Carmine.
The best part is where Juan takes a moment to explain that Trump is not King. It is we the People not any Guru or Leader that should or will "save" us. Let me remind you here.. Juan is not John F Kennedy Jr. but he is related to the "safety" of him and his family. IT IS A SHELL GAME. And like he said MANY are in the "Program" and many that we went about decoding and looking at this know.. it had to happen in this way. To wake up the sleepers. And to protect Freedom in our Country.

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