US created the term Debt Trap Real?

1 year ago

76% of the World Joined China's Belt and Road! Is the fake news propaganda by US created the term Debt Trap Real? 全球76%加入中國 “一帶一路”!美國的假新聞宣傳所創造的“債務陷阱” 是否可信?

2023 marks the 10 year anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative...but is China's Belt and Road just one giant Debt Trap for the world? Western media sure wants you to believe that narrative, but what about the fact that China has never seized a single asset from a country who has defaulted on a loan? Let's break down some common myths surrounding the Belt and Road 2023 年是“一帶一路”倡議提出 10 週年……但中國的“一帶一路”只是世界的一個巨大債務陷阱嗎?西方媒體當然想讓你相信這種說法,但中國從未從一個拖欠貸款的國家手中沒收過任何資產這一事實又如何呢?讓我們來打破圍繞“一帶一路”的一些常見神話

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