Global Change Catalysts to Come: Geological, Medical, Political, Social...

1 year ago

I asked Yara the following two questions and here is the video clip of the answers.

Watch the complete Q&A session on Yara's channel:

Question 1: I wonder about the timing/details/nature of the change-catalysts that will facilitate the fall of corruption and rise of sovereignty in bigger ways (I know its an ongoing process), and what might bring the most obvious change, such as geological disasters, medical exposures, political upheavals/uprisings or something more unexpected, or is it just a collection of small things that will go on for the next 10-15 years. I know timelines are relative to each of us (individually), so maybe the focus is for those of us who are awake and have done inner work to balance emotions etc. and are ready to get moving on something new.

Question 2: How far along are we with the global divergence of consciousness, in the sense that higher frequency consciousness and lower frequency consciousnesses are relocating to their new classrooms/timelines.

FYI: If you think this kind of channeling is BS, try doing it yourself for an hour without stumbling over your words, while addressing this level of complexity.

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