FREEPOLITIK God's Pronouns

1 year ago

Some people get irritated when you refer to God as a Father. They claim this is patriarchal and a cultural construct designed by misogynist imperialists to oppress women. Others are equally fussy if you address God as Mother, as in Mother Earth, Spirit Mother or even more provocative, Our Mother who art in Heaven. This could cause a revolt at the dinner table or risk excommunication, depending on where you happen to be praying.

Oddly, enough, some of the same people who object to the forced use of gender pronouns in society, also get hot under the collar if God is not addressed with the proper pronouns. They claim, God is male because God created man first and then woman out of Adam’s rib. Therefore, the natural order of things is a male hierarchy, and we all just have to accept this and stop rocking the gender boat.

Should we judge God’s gender?


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