Brand New - The Home Doctor Book review, Is It Worth?

1 year ago

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The Home Doctor Book by Dr Maybell Nnives is a practical medicine for every household When Help is Not On The Way.

The Home Doctor - Practical Medicine for Every Household - is a 304 page doctor written and approved guide on how to manage most health situations when help is not on the way.

Dr. Maybell Nieves - head surgeon of the Unit of Breast Pathology and general surgeon at Caracas University Hospital in Venezuela, with over 10 years of experience in the operating room. She studied at the prestigious European Institute of Oncology in Milan, Italy.

Dr. Maybell is known for developing new, ingenious methods of treating patients after Venezuela's economy collapsed and hospitals and pharmacies ran out of medicines, supplies, electricity and running water.

Here’s just a small glimpse of what you’ll find in
The Home Doctor:

- 10 Medical Supplies You Need to Have in Your House.
- The Biggest Mistakes You Can Make in a Blackout.
- How to Recognize a Heart Attack and What to Do Next?
- What Happens When You Take Expired Medications?
- The Only 4 Antibiotics People Should Stockpile.
- The Best Natural Painkiller That Grows in Your Own Backyard.
- An Ingenious Way to Stockpile Prescription Medicines, Including Insulin.
- How to Quickly Recognize a Stroke and The First Thing YOU MUST DO IMMEDIATELY Afterward?
- What Happens if You Take the Wrong Probiotics?
- A Simple “At-Home” Method for the Flu and Other Respiratory Issues.
- A Step-by-Step Approach to Deal With Almost Every Skin Injury and Condition.
- The Unnoticed Symptom That May Point to an Internal Inflammation.
- The 1-Minute Stretch That Relieves Most Back and Neck Pains.
- A Natural DIY Antibiotic Salve Recipe to Keep Around.
- How to Perform a Complete Breast Exam at Home?
- How to Use Leeches Medicinally Just Like Folks 100 Years Ago?
- An Ingenious Eggshell Remedy and 25 Others Made from Things People Usually Throw Away.
- How to Take Care of Toothaches and Mouth Infections When You Can’t Visit a Dentist?
- The Best Way to Tell if an Arrhythmia Is Benign or Dangerous?
- How to Remove an Ingrown Nail?
- Why You Should Always Keep a Stick of Gum Close by if Your Ears Start to Hurt?
- How to Know What’s Wrong if You’ve Got Abdominal Pain?
- Are Your Migraines Hiding Something More Serious?
- How to Deal with Injuries Caused During Social Unrest?
- What Doctors Do to Keep Their Immunity High?
- How to Use Salt and Oil for Tooth and Gum Decay?
- The 10 Most Sought-After Bartering Items in Venezuela.
- A Before-Bed Recipe to Sleep Like a Baby Again.
- 40 Interesting Home Reliefs from Our Grandparents That Could Help You.
- The Antibiotic Plant That Saved Venezuela.
- Cabbage Wraps for Inflammation.
- Why You Should Always Keep Some Listerine in Your Medicine Cabinet?
Besides, you'll get two additional gifts:
1- Wild Edibles You Can Forage for or Find Around Your House.
2- Natural Healing Secrets of Native Americans.
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How to Deal with Injuries

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