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15 seconds

Buckeye Patriots Podcast Ep. 1

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  • At the recent LCLC meeting, Sarah Simon said that the school board members choose the curriculum. How many different curriculums are available to be used by the public schools? Who are the publishers? Is it possible for an individual to have a look at the curriculum choices? Are there an curriculums available for public schools that aren't objectionable?

  • Things to question: Germ Theory Viral Theory Immune System Herd Immunity Specific antibodies for specific antigens Molecular Biology Virology Immunology However, Toxicology IS a legitimate science and vaccines are a direct method of getting toxins into the body.

  • 26:06 thank you Shay for bringing up this funding mechanism. It is extremely important that the State's fingers are not put on scales or tying strings to institutions or homeschooling families. I have not exactly seen though, this language in the proposed bills. The senate version appears to simply expand EdChoice eligibility to all students. It also expands the homeschool credit to 2,000 but Homeschoolers get the heebie jeebies when they see that they may be required to "furnish information as is necessary" to the tax commissioner. We are a fiercely independent sort and wonder who decides what is necessary. I often counter that if you really don't want the govt to know anything, then sorry, don't take the credit. The easier answer is to just massively increase the child tax credit by the amount you want to give school vouchers for and call it a day.