Rebel News is in Davos covering the World Economic Forum Annual meeting 2023.

2 years ago

Rebel News is in Davos covering the World Economic Forum Annual meeting 2023.

Rebel News has sent a team of SEVEN reporters, videographers and producers led by our fearless Rebel Commander Ezra Levant to Davos, Switzerland from January 16 to 20 to cover the World Economic Forum's 2023 Annual Meeting.

Keep track of how they have been going on and how much evil and lunacy they have uncovered. The sooner their insanity is removed from human lives the better. | BREAKING: Rebel News is in Davos covering the World Economic Forum meeting! Visit Rebel News for more on this story Rebel News: Telling the other side of the story. for more great Rebel content. Unlike almost all of our mainstream media competitors, Rebel News doesn’t receive any government funding. We rely on our generous audience to help keep us reporting. Please consider supporting Rebel News by making a donation, purchasing a RebelNews+ subscription, shopping in our online store, or any of the other methods below:


Originally, I starting uploading EDM music videos on youtube and supplying music to video channels, then things got serious. In these times I consider it a duty to humanity to distribute as much information as possible so as to allow the truth to be discovered about Health, Big Pharma and their Jabs, 5G ROLL OUT. To Debunk Climate Change and the Reckless Solar GeoEngineering going on supported by governments around the world. The Deliberate Spraying 24/7 above our heads which affects the air we breath best explained here:- See Documentary "The Dimming".

Oh, and to expose any other things that might be tried that might take away our liberty and human rights given to us by god.


(Article 1).
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights
Articles 1 ---30

"It’s Easier To Fool People Than To Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled".

Time close out the WEF Insanity, The WHO, and WEF Attack on Democracy

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