Queen's Gambit | Slav Defense With Beautiful Endgame

1 year ago

In this game I get to play the Slav Defense against the Queen's Gambit, and as usual, we end up with a decent set of advanced pawns. Let me say up front, this game should have been a lot easier haha. You wouldn't believe the mistakes I made in the middle game. In one part, I make a plan, calculate it all out pretty well, and then immediately move the wrong piece first. What?!

There are two blunders where I missed winning a piece. See if you can spot them.

But when some pieces get traded off, we get into a beautiful endgame. I have a bishop, knight, and rook against my opponent's bishop pair and rook. Bishop pair is really good as you know... but somehow... I get my pieces so well coordinated you would think it was on purpose. It wasn't.... but at least I saw it! Come do some pawn calculation with me and let's see how it goes.

I hope you enjoy, and I'll see you next time.

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