DING DONG THE DRAGONS DEAD! | Project Ascension | Classless WoW | Progression, M+, Raiding

2 years ago

Mcdoubles back again with a brand new video and today we approach the TRUE end game by finally downing Heroic Nefarian (a brand new version of the boss fight I might add!), doing our first +15 mythic key, and rounding out item level out to something approaching spectacular, with the ultimate goal of getting into a +20 mythic dungeon and mythic raids looking to be right over the horizon for us!

Overall, this video has us trying a new build in Titanic Mutilate with Herods Legacy, then pivoting back to Dragon Warrior so that we can do REAL dps in a +15 mythic dungeon. Dragon Warrior remains one of the stronger builds you can choose to play on Project Ascension Season 8 and I highly recommend you give it a try if you haven't already. We also check out PvP in this video both while leveling and at max level, and compare the PvP progression between Dragonflight and Project Ascension.

Episode 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHYBBX7fcxU

Episode 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYSvk0fJTKs

Server: Thrall
0:00-1:43 - Intro
1:44-4:48 - Random BWL and MC adventures
4:49-12:50 - Quick Titanic Mutilate/Herods Legacy Prestige Adventure
12:51-21:54 - +15 mythic dungeon for the first time
21:55-30:33 - Max level BG and PvP
30:34-31:54 - Comparing and Contrasting Ascension and Dragonflights PvP progression
31:55-37:20 - We FINALLY beat the new Nefarian encounter in BWL!
37:21-40:23 - Giveaway and Final Thoughts!

🛎️ If you missed the last video make sure to check it out first here🛎️

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