1/21/23 AxeTruth Saturday Night Live Smackdown

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This small group of evil elites meet in Davos for their annual meeting to discuss & create manufactured crises to control the peasants. They all took private jets and ride big gas powered vehicles as they lecture the peasants to cut their carbon footprint for the Climate Change scam. It's SNL so we have Alphabet/Tranny news the latest in clown world.

1. Silk said at her sister memorial "Diamond said she couldn’t breathe and then died suddenly Silk is demanding answers about the vaccine and what it did to her sister Why does this keep happening?

2. ) The rabid alphabet soup/skittles Cult are being exploited, Russian NHL player Ivan Provorov stuck to his beliefs not to wear that Rainbow propaganda siting his religious beliefs , I would have just said I'm not wearing that "sissy shit"

3. Tranny News - Delustional Tranny Bridget Klein Simpson mad because it couldn't join a women only gym. Looking like a linebacker with a wig on .
A.) The TransGENTLEMEN have waged war on Aretha Franklins classic song "Natural Woman" claiming it is anti-trans & promotes violence against the Transgenders

3. Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s aka Dykefoot solution to crime in Chicago? Don’t use cash

4. Look how uncomfortable Biden looks in a church full of black parishioners. I bet he would have been much comfortable at a clan meeting
a.) Andrew "Egg Foo" Yang put on the choir rob & was on beat singing with the black Choir when he ran for the Democrat Primary

5. Disgusting Harvard science article on infants having diverse sexual orientations

6. VP Kumguzzler Harris explaining how electric power works, this woman does not have a clue needs to stay in her lane, just tell us her hoe stories

7. former CIA agent explains the use of Human Mask

8. FBI Director Christopher Wray at The WEF- “The level of collaboration between the private sector and the government, especially the FBI has made significant strides

9. Would you trust self driving car, some Guys playing patty cake in self driving car , or other games.. sitting in the passenger seat

10. Autonomous Cars can be hacked says former FBI director Christopher Wray
a) Autonomous Cars Won't Avoid Majority of Vehicle Crashes

11. Klaus Schwab says the world will no longer be run by superpowers like America… it will be run by the World Economic Forum stakeholders, such as Blackrock and Bill Gates

12. World Economic Forum declares a doomsday "planetary" and "justice" crisis

13. To show you care about the climate and working for zero carbons , stop eating meat says the WEF

14. Noor Bin Ladin Issues a Direct Message to Klaus Schwab My name is Noor Bin Ladin. I am a human being -not a QR code. I don't want to eat the bugs

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