The Power of Vulnerability and How to Unlock this Superpower

1 year ago

Please enjoy my video The power of vulnerability and how to unlock this superpower. This video is perfect for you if you are looking to become more creative and express yourself in the world. Many of us have been led to believe our sensitivity and vulnerability is a sign of weakness, when in fact being vulnerable is a sign of strength.

In this video, I share a show story about a friend who was trying to be strong and tough through some challenges he was facing. While strength is a great quality to have, we should not favor strength over being vulnerable. As humans, we are meant to feel our way through the world. In fact, we have trillions of nerve cells that are designed to help us intuitively navigate the world. How can you access your intuition if you are not allowing yourself to be vulnerable? It will be difficult.

Allow yourself to feel whatever you are facing. Soften. Let go and flow.

I am sending you love and light,

Work with me:


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