Marxism in Medicine

1 year ago

A woke cultural revolution has achieved dominance in medicine and other U.S. institutions. Under this orthodoxy, the doctor-patient relationship is forfeit. The needs of the individual patient are sacrificed in order to conform to an ideology that advances its aims above all else.

Topics include:

The world’s deadliest ideology
Key features of the ideology
How to identify Marxism
Marxism in current medical events
The testimonial of a survivor
An opportunity for questions and answers

Presenters include:

Dr. Jane Orient, AAPS Executive Director
Ken Pope, Director of Academic Programs at the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation
Dr. Elizabeth Spalding, Vice Chairman of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation
Channy Laux
Victim of communism testimonial speaker

Handout - Top Seven Marxism Clues:

Slides from presenter Ken Pope:

Slides with speaker bios, links to articles by presenters, and examples of Marxism in medicine:

Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation Website:

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