You live monitoring twitter nazi puppets sure do hate my guts and such for sure aye!

1 year ago

i was merely trying to post a short vid of me serving jill dunlop in my home town before they finished me off last year to Irish @elon123crew over on the nazi front twitter which hasn't changed a bit for guys like me connected to multiple levels of government corruption now, that if i had help exposing world lead to the full truth you all need to be set free but hey after 4 years forsaken now i know the routine!

2 fails later and i have no choice but to upload it here! a 33 second short with an appearance from my birdies that always show their appreciation unlike most "humans"!

fail 1

fail 2

They always ask what can we do? well hey it needs to be grass roots serving every one we can which is why i build the studio in the charge charge for y'all! but hey like Irish said one guy can't do it alone!

can't say i didn't try!

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