1 year ago

Won’t Get the Booster, Took The Pfizer Shot, Pfizer runs the FDA, Regeneron, Everyone Wanted a Vaccine, The other Side Poisoned People On it, I showed People Things Like Therapeutics- Dissect His Words & Listen

• Wants to wait and see to get a booster then later on says He doesn’t think he’d get it.
• “The FDA is bureaucratically run. It would have taken 5+ years. I did it in 9 months.”
• “I learned things, the FDA is virtually controlled by Pfizer. Pfizer has control, not Johnson & Johnson, Not Moderna, but Pfizer has Control over the FDA”
• Trump admits he got the Pfizer vaccine.
• The “pause” on the J&J jab
• He said he has natural immunity because he got Covid… Remember it was reported he got Regeneron ( treatment.
• “When I was president, everybody wanted to go get the vaccine. There was a rush to get it. You didn’t hear anything about mandates. After I left, people don’t want to take it.”
• “Very early on I took therapeutics & I got better very quickly & I think I showed things to the country; not only the vaccines but the therapeutics.
• I think the other side poisoned people on it.”

Dissect his words. Listen.
Thank you, GOD!

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