Channeling Merlin: You Are a Key Ingredient in this World, You Are Being Divinely Moved!

1 year ago

It's happening, the Dark Side of the Moon, thee New Moon Event, on the rise this 21st of January, Can You Handle It????? (Question Mark!?!?)

Okay, so, if you read the title of this video, you noticed, I will be channeling Merlin, and I have already channeled him and it was AWESOME!!! I love this guy!

STEPPING BACK: For this New Moon, Merlin introduces us to a laid-back energy experience. It was emotionally low-key, relaxed, winding down to enjoy a good book, taking the time for personal growth and development through enjoying simple hobbies. A sense of stepping away from the center of attention, from having a presence and responsability to others, destressing into a sense of retirement/vacation, separating from the-work-to-do, engaging in a non-stressful, non-imperative existence of transition, while a profound upgrade of ones own sense of self is in progress. It's like being awake and being relaxed enough to be a bit monotone and happily okay with that, while miracles and amazing fireworks of transformation are happening simultaneously!

HERE'S A FUN VISUALIZATION: See Yourself at the Top of Rapunzel's Tower. Breath in this Perfect Environment for You to Enjoy Time with You. No Interruptions. A Safe and Peaceful Disconnect from the Outside World. This Feels Wonderful. Free. Enjoy Your Personal Hobbies. It's YOU Time. Have Some Fun Growing with You! ALSO, you don't have to receive interruption on your time with you. Remember, it's your sacred time, give that to yourself!

STEPPING FORWARD: Now, in saying all of this, this New Moon experience with Merlin reveals another type of Divine Time. As mentioned, there are those stepping back and there will be those stepping forward. In Stepping Forward, Merlin represents a Man Who Stands Tall, a Wise Leader. He Represents Father/Grandpa/Divine Masculine Energies. A Strong, Grounded Presence. A Natural Nurturer of the Heart of the Inner Child, providing the gift of Safety, Security, Love and Protection. Those called to Step Forward, You Will Be A NATURAL In This Calling, You Were MADE For This Calling. This is your Rebirth, embrace the adventure of this New You!

⭐IMPORTANT NOTE FROM MERLIN: We all have our roles to play. Some will be moving back while others who were back will be moving forward. That's how you play chess, there is no 'moving back' that means defeat and to 'move forward' does not always feel triumphant, it can feel exposed and vulnerable. Embrace your role today, it might be simpler than you expected, or more exciting than you're used to. ⭐

OTHER KEY NOTES: The Color RED, believe it or not was LOUD for this New Moon Energy, along with the Activation of the Third Eye and Crown Chakras - which means - ENLIGHTENMENT!

FINAL THOUGHTS: I do believe we all will be where we're guided to be at this time in January, and this message from Merlin is to activate you in your life, give you some perspective, some Energy Healing and Wisdom to work with. You Are AMAZING and You Are NOT ALONE. No matter your steps, there is a Divine Plan and the Mega Truth is, we are all going through a Rebirth right now. 2023 is going to be quite a year!

Have an AMAZING January New Moon Experience, Everybody!



💛 TIKTOK: @WisdomBombs911




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🌞 Joseph Bradley, Spiritual Healer & Teacher:
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#AbbeyNormal #NewMoon #EnergyUpdate

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