Silicon Valley Heroes Call Out Radical Far-Left Kylie Clark of Town of Los Gatos for RACIST LETTER

2 years ago

TOWN COUNCIL MEETING, LOS GATOS, CA, January 17, 2023. Thanks to two ladies were brave enough to speak up! We have Black Lives Matter member, Kylie Clark, who works for the Town of Los Gatos Housing Element, writing nasty letters to Sacramento regarding "rich, white, anti-housing men" who are getting in the way of Kylie helping the Globalists take over Los Gatos and the World. Of course, Kylie is white, and of course she wishes she was rich like those "anti-housing men," who probably got a good education and started companies which they busted their butts to make successful. Perhaps they have earned the privilege to live in beautiful, serene Los Gatos in the foothills of the Santa Cruz Mountains and away from the City scum of San Francisco? Isn't that why people move across the globe to live in America? They wish for a better life, which they control, not their government. But instead, Kylie has chosen the BLM/LGBTQ/Globalist Agenda which will leave her with nothing, but she will be happy! Anyone see Klaus Schwab in Los Gatos lately? Kylie is the girlfriend and campaign manager of Los Gatos Councilmember, Rob Moore, who ran in 2022. Rob and Kylie love BLM and LGBTQ Homosexuals, Drag Queens and Pedophile Killers. Little does Kylie know that the Globalists don't care if Kylie turns into a man, ever has children, or dies. Kylie may never have children as a result of the shot she certainly injected in her body. Her body, her choice. So sad. Truthfully. I do pray for young women and men today who think socialism/communism will "this time" make everything equal for all, and all will be happy always.

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