DNA Re-programming 666 to 616

2 years ago

We are the gods of the atoms that make up ourselves, but we are also the atoms of the gods that make up the universe. – Manly P. Hall
The number 666 relates to the carbon atom and man. Carbon-12; one of 5 elements in the human DNA is composed of 6 protons, 6 electrons, and 6 neutrons, which equates to 666. Carbon-12 is the most abundant of the two stable isotopes of the element carbon, accounting for 98.89% of carbon. Its abundance is due to the Triple-alpha process by which it is created in stars, and as Carl Sagan had once said, “we’re made of star stuff.” When the 666 of Carbon is combined with the elements above and mixed with Lucifer, AKA Phosphorus, we get a combination or reaction of chemical elements that form DNA and RNA. This magical god-given chemical-code carrier is the very code for all life, and of course, it is the number of a man; his number is 6 neutrons, 6 protons, 6 electrons, Six hundred threescore and six (666). Various chemical elements, when combined with Carbon, form our very material reality, or what some may call, the Matrix.
666 could represent many possible scenarios or conspiracies, but the truth is that this number was passed down to us for the Apocalypse (unveiling of something hidden), to help us identify this beast man with the mathematical number 666. The number 666 may be the sequence of DNA genetic signals or DNA fragments necessary for successful cloning.

The abomination of desolation will be that upgrade that Some will get. It will be a transhumanist upgrade. Doctors in the past have already said that in the future, humans will be able to do superhuman things. That will be the Anti-Christ spirit going into the temple and proclaiming himself to be God because human beings already want to be gods. They will be worshiping themselves. We are the temple that the Antichrist spirit will come into and proclaim himself God. As far as An image that will be made to come alive. I believe it will have to do with A form of identification. I look at these photographs that are able to come alive. Furthermore, I feel that has something to do with it. Yes, we will find out and yes 666 is the number of a man. That's all of us. Crazy times

This Transhumanist Technology and Agenda is coming from the 13 bloodlines.

“There are 13 families or groups heading up the World Government plan. These families

portrayed as the 13 layers of blocks found on the strange seal on the reverse side of the U.S. $1 bill.”
Yes, Satan’s top followers are also the kingpins in
destroying humanity for profit through drug trafficking.
The following families (besides others) or individuals from these families are mentioned in Dope Inc.
as involved in some aspect of the drug trade: the Astors, Bundys, DuPonts, Freeman's, Kennedy,
Li’s, Rockefeller's, Rothschild's, and Russell's. It is no coincidence that nine of the Top 13 families
would get their names in a book that revealed the big names behind the world’s illegal narcotics
trade. It should be mentioned that some other prominent Illuminati families also play key roles in the
drug trade such as the Bronfmans, Cabots, Shaws, Bacons, Perkins, Morgan, Forbes, Cisneros and
Oppenheimer. Where have we seen such names before? There are names in Dope Inc. that people
would do well to know the danger of such as Louis Mortimer Bloomfield, Robert Vesco, Francois
Genoud of Switzerland, Ivan Slavkov of Bulgaria, the Duke of Kent – Master of the Grand Mother
Lodge of the Scottish Rite, and Jardine Matheson to mention a few. All our favorite
secret fraternal groups appear in Dope, Inc. too. For instance, the Triads, Masonry, regular
Freemasonry, the CIA, the Order of St. John, and the Jesuits. The Universal Christian Gnostic
The church which practices black magic has a whole chapter showing its connection to the drug trade.

The Gnostic God Yaldabaoth
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#DNAReprogramming666to616 #dna #DNAMOD #666 #616

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