Rethinking Niceness with Jordan Peterson: The Unexpected Reason Why

2 years ago

#jordanpetersonmotivation #motivation #inspiration
In this video, Professor Jordan Peterson gives us an inspirational speech talking about the most important skill for success. Stick around to the end of this motivational video for a life-changing quote.
We hope you enjoy this motivational video and are inspired to take action, follow your dreams and achieve your goals!

Jordan Bernt Peterson (born 12 June 1962) is a Canadian professor of psychology, clinical psychologist, YouTube personality, motivational personality, and author. He began to receive widespread attention in If You Learn This, You Will Be UNBEATABLE... — Jordan Petersonthe late 2010s for his views on cultural and political issues.

#jordanpetersonmotivation #inspiration #motivation #motivation

motivationsuccessmotivation mentorsmotivational videoinspirational videomotivational speechviral speechben lionel scottlife adviceself improvement

Copyright Disclaimer:
-Most of the clips on this video are licensed through Creative Commons license from
-The rest of the footage is not ours, it has been used in accordance with the Fair Use law with the intent of creating an educational and inspirational video.
-This video has no negative impact on the original works
-Video is fully edited by us
-We do NOT intend in any way to infringe the copyright of the original owners, for any problems/removal requests please contact us at and we will deal with it accordingly.

Special Thanks To Dr Jordan B Peterson for these wise words, please go check him out and watch his full lectures!

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Music license (Permission by owner to use it freely):
Into the blue sky – Emotional inspiring music Keys Of Moon Music
Full credit goes to the artist, thank you for this beautiful track!

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