How Old Testament Joseph Compares To Jesus.

1 year ago

Watch now and you will see how Old Testament Joseph compares to Jesus.
You will see how he was a prophetic portrait of the Messiah around 2000 years BC (Before Christ).
You will see evidence of how Joseph's life displayed Yeshua (Jesus) in the Torah (First 5 books written by Moses). His story takes up over 25 percent of the book of Genesis.
Joseph the Father's most favored son, he also had prophetic dreams from God, that showed all of Israel bowing down to him. Later he was sent out of Hebron (Means Fellowship) to his brothers, the shepherds of the fathers flock. He found them at Dothan which means "Laws and Customs". That is exactly what Jesus, God the son did, he left fellowship with the Father, and found the shepherds of Israel leading the flock into the laws and customs. His brothers conspired to murder him, sold him for pieces of silver, and handed him over to the Gentiles.
Later, he was falsely accused and put down into the place of the condemned. But, he was raised up out of that place, and brought before the throne. It was there that only he was found worthy, he was made the right hand man to the throne, and given a Gentile Bride.

Later, during the seven year time of great trouble, the famine over all the face of the earth, his brothers come back to him. They thought he was long gone, out of their lives, but then they find out that HE IS ALIVE! They were afraid, but then Joseph tells them not to be afraid, that they meant it for evil, but God meant it for good to save many people. HE THEN SAVES ALL OF ISRAEL.

I know you will be blessed by this video on Joseph. You will see Jesus in his story. I wrote a book on Joseph, after teaching a series on him at a Calvary Chapel many years ago.

Also, you might consider subscribing to this channel because many of the videos are how to find Jesus in the Old Testament. Thank you for watching and may the Lord richly bless your heart.You will see a fresh new Video, every Friday, 9:30 AM, Pacific Time.

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00:00 Introduction
00:55 New Series
01:16 Timeline
02:13 Genesis or B'resheet Chapter 37
04:11 Father's Favorite Son
05:05 His Dreams
08:37 Sent Out Of Fellowship With His Father

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