American churches are dead while Christians are dying

1 year ago

Churches in America are dead and don't do anything at all, they just have a gossip group that says Bible group, a little prayer, modern day rock band or old boring songs that members only want to hear because they do not want to change the traditions, then the pastor will give a little sermon on how everything is ok and no one changes at all, the communion is served but no one cares about what Jesus did at all, money is given to the church and will not be used to help anyone at all, more songs are sung then the fake American church crowd rushes off to olive garden because church is just a thing they do , meanwhile True believers are being persercuted in the middle east right now, a pastor was arrested in Canada for no reason, a lady was killed in Nigeria for not being Muslim!! Christians there can't sit in a church building and go to olive garden for lunch, they are in a hostile country that hates Christianity and kills them, true Christians are persercuted and hated by the world, we do not brag how great the church building is or will have a potluck, that will all change when thousands of people are just gone and the lukewarm phony church going crowd and pastors are left behind, they will be the next target for Satan, and he is laughing at the dumb people getting the vaccines because they belong to Satan now and he loves it, he loves it that churches allow sodomites to come in and never preach it is a sin or wear masks, he loves it when dumb people who say they are Christians go and get the vaccines and wear masks and are at gay sex parades and love abortion, he is laughing at all the dumb fools and knows they will be with him forever in the lake of fire, he loves it, after the rapture happens Satan controls the entire world and it will be hell on earth!! The Holy Spirit will be gone and all hell will be unleashed and it will be hell on earth, and all the so called pastors and church people will wish they were right with God when thousands of people are just gone and they are left behind!! There is no middle ground in the tribulation at all, you are for Jesus and will be killed for not worshipping the antichrist or you serve the antichrist and will suffer God wrath and will be destroyed by Jesus when He return's in the second coming, that is all you have in the great tribulation

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