Over 90% of Blacks are murdered by other Blacks

1 year ago

Blacks kill 10,000 blacks a year but it seems they never riot and LOOT stores for FREE GOODS until the seldom killed black by a white cop happens. NONE of the FAKE News Media or Black Leaders will say ONE THING about the 9,999 murdered blacks by other blacks. All they play is the race card about the 1 that was killed by a white cop. They burn and LOOT stores for FREE GOODS and I can assure everyone reading this that black people DO NOT CARE one bit about the 1 black person shot by a white cop, accept the family members and friends. They have all learned that playing the race card is their MONEY TREE and that cops are told to leave them alone and let them have their free reign of Animalistic Looting Arsonist & Terrorist Activities!

***Notice NONE of the LOOTERS will spend 5 minutes writting a Short condolence message saying I'm so sorry for your loss and putting it in the mail box, but they WILL spend all their waking hours for 5 days making back and forth trips to the stores for all FREE GOODS LOOTING they can load in shopping carts***
Black Americans are being shot, stabbed and beaten to death at a rate six to seven times that of whites. And by the end of this year, well over 10,000 Blacks will have been made the victims of homicide in America.
That figure breaks down to roughly 200 Black folks dead every single week in this country from gunshot wounds and other criminal violence — a weekly death toll that rivals U.S. losses in Vietnam at the height of the war.
The question unanswered and unasked in the Times' and Post's stories is: Who is doing this? Who is killing all these Black people?
If, as the slogan proclaims, "Black lives matter," why is there not greater public alarm at BLM in who is killing so many Black people?
In one year, the number of Blacks killed in violent crimes in America, 3-in-4 by gunshots, will exceed 10,000.
Who is doing this? How many of these Black folks are victims of the right-wing extremists and white supremacists that Wray sees as our greatest domestic security threat?
How many Blacks in 2021 and this year were victims of the Proud Boys or Oath Keepers or 3 Percenters or neo-Nazis or the Klan?
If rogue white cops are the scourge of Black America, as we have been instructed to believe, how many killings of unarmed Blacks were done by white cops this year and last?
In 2020, homicides in Washington, D.C., rose for the third straight year, reaching almost 200, the deadliest year in the city since 2004. More than 920 people were shot in 2020, a 64% increase from three years ago. Again, how many of these Washington shootings, averaging three a day, were the lethal work of Washington white supremacists?
In the wake of George Floyd's death, "Defund the Police!" became the chant of 100 leftist protests.
Police funds were cut. Elites turned hostile to cops they once hailed as "first responders." Demoralized, many police ceased to be proactive. Police resignations and retirements came in record numbers.
When the peace forces in our society were morally disarmed, their natural enemies, the criminal element, seized the opportunity.

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