Deuteronomy 32:48 - 34:12, Jan 15, 2023; There is No One Like the God of Jeshurun

2 years ago

There is No One Like the God of Jeshurun, Deuteronomy 32:48-34:12
Jan 15, 2023, S-1523-KL
This week, we conclude our yearlong study in Deuteronomy, the fifth and final book of the Mosaic Law, which the Jews call The Torah. As we review the final verses of Deuteronomy 32 and Moses’ blessings upon the tribes of Israel in Chapter 33, Pastor Kevin explains how these verses, all prophetic when written, have either been fulfilled or will be fulfilled at Jesus’ Second Coming. Although most of the Christian church today rejects Dispensational Theology, which teaches that the Jewish nation will once again be used by God in the future, just as prophesied, in favor of Replacement Theology, which teaches that God has permanently set aside the Jewish people due to their disobedience, we can trust that God means what He says in His Word. Just as all Old Testament prophecies regarding Messiah’s First Coming were literally fulfilled in Jesus 2,000 years ago, we know that the remaining prophecies will be literally fulfilled at His Second Coming. We anticipate the day of which Moses spoke in Deuteronomy 32:43, “Rejoice, O Gentiles, with His people; for He will avenge the blood of His servants and render vengeance to His adversaries; He will provide atonement for His land and His people.”
Pastor Kevin concluded the series by explaining how the New Testament clearly teaches that Jesus was “The Prophet” of Deuteronomy 18:15. As we approach the end of the Church Age, Pastor Kevin urges those who do not yet believe to receive The Prophet, and believers to trust Him more and more as the Day draws near.
Associated notes and links are at under Sermon Archives, Deuteronomy,

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