Orange County releases surveillance video of an inmate who died in police custody

2 years ago

On July 26, 2019, Ahuatlcabrera was placed on felony formal probation after he was convicted of violating driving under the influence (DUI) causing bodily injury and hit-and-run with injury.

On May 30, 2021, Ahuatlcabrera was re-arrested for new DUI and hit-and-run offenses. On June 2, 2021, Ahuaticabrera was arrested by Orange County Probation for violating his probation, and the court revoked probation.

On August 6, 2021, Ahuatlcabrera admitted to his felony probation violation and was sentenced to 16 months state prison.

On August 20, 2021, at approximately 1:21 a.m., CCTV security cameras captured Ahuatlcabrera walking out of his cubicle with a large opaque plastic bag with a reddish tint, which appeared to be an inmate-made alcoholic drink. This drink is commonly known as pruno and is made from fermented fruit and sugar amongst other ingredients.

At 1:21 a.m., CCTV security cameras captured Ahuatlcabrera walking to the bathroom sink, filling the prune bag with water, and returning to Cube-E, Bunk-3. Ahuatlcabrera and another inmate spent the next hour drinking pruno together in the cubicle. At 1:57 a.m., OCSD deputies conducted a Safety Check without incident. At approximately 2:25 a.m., Ahuatlcabrera left for the bathroom again, filled the pruno bag with water, and returned.

At approximately 2:42 a.m., CCTV security cameras captured an inmate and Ahuaticabrera standing at the foot of Bunks-5 & 6. A short time later, Anuaticabrera and the inmate snorted Subutex, which is also known as Buprenorphine, an arcotic that can treat pain as well as addiction to narcotic pain relievers. Subutex can also cause respiratory distress and possibly death, when taken in high doses or when combined with other substances, especially alcohol.

After snorting Subutex, Ahuaticabrera and the inmate returned to Cube-E. Ahuaticabrera told the inmate that he did not feel any effects of Subutex and wanted more. At approximately 3:05 a.m., Ahuaticabrera and the inmate left Cube-E and returned to Cube-G. They spoke with another inmate briefly, and they each snorted an additional amount of Subutex.

At approximately 3:08 a.m., CCTV security cameras captured Ahuatlcabrera appearing to be intoxicated and unsteady on his feet. At approximately 3:23 a.m., OCSD deputies conducted a Random/Head Count without incident. At approximately 3:36 a.m., Ahuaticabrera went to his assigned bunk, Cube-D, Bunk 11, and remained there until deputies completed the Head Count.

At approximately 3:37 a.m., CCTV security cameras showed Ahuaticabrera getting in line for breakfast while appearing to be intoxicated, swaying back and forth on his feet. At approximately 3:43 a.m., CCTV security cameras captured Ahuaticabrera getting into a bunk bed in F-Barracks, West Side, E-Cube, Bunk-3. Between 4:03 a.m. and 9:25 a.m., OCSD deputies completed nine Safety Checks, approximately one in every 45-minutes, without incident. Ahuaticabrera never left the bunk and nobody went near him.

At approximately 6:05 a.m., CCTV security cameras captured an inmate repositioning Ahuaticabrera. This inmate reported that he was awakened by Ahuatlcabrera’s loud snoring. CCTV security cameras captured the inmate rolling Ahuaticabrera onto his side and propping his head up. The inmate reported that he had done this to allow Ahuaticabrera to breathe easier and believed that Ahuatlcabrera had sleep apnea. The inmate reported that Ahuaticabrera’s snoring was not unusual or uncommon, and he did not think there was anything unusual with Ahuatlcabrera at this time.

At approximately 10:05 a.m., several inmates tried to awaken Ahuaticabrera, but he appeared to be unresponsive and have no pulse. At approximately 10:05 a.m., the inmates yelled “Man Down" and called for OCSD deputies. At approximately 10:05 a.m., two deputies responded and saw that Ahuaticabrera appeared to be pale, unconscious, and unresponsive. The deputies found a small amount of blood between Ahuatlcabrera’s nostrils and upper lip, but saw no signs of trauma. One
deputy checked for a pulse and respirations, but found none.

At approximately 10:19 a.m., Orange City Fire Department (OFD) paramedics arrived. HCA medical staff and deputies were still conducting lifesaving CPR. The paramedics administered emergency medical treatment to Ahuaticabrera. They assessed that he was pulseless, apneic, in asystole (flat lined), and observed that he had scant dry blood in mouth and on both nostrils with no bruises or signs of trauma on scalp, neck, chest, abdomen, orlegs. The paramedics connected Ahuatlcabrera to an automated CPR device that provided chest compressions and administered four 1 mg doses of epinephrine. The 4 doses of epinephrine had little to no effect on Ahuaticabrera, who remained unconscious and unresponsive.

At approximately 10:45 a.m., OFD paramedics transported Ahuaticabrera to the UCI Medical Center (UCIMC) located at 101 The City Drive South, Orange, CA, 92868. At approximately 10:48 a.m., Ahuatlcabrera arrived at the UCIMC emergency room in cardiac arrest. Ahuatlcabrera had no pulse, no signs of life, and no visible trauma. Ahuatlcabrera was treated but could not be revived despite being given several rounds of CPR and Advanced Cardiac Life Support medications.

At approximately 11:10 a.m., Ahuatlcabrera was pronounced deceased.

On April 21, 2022, the forensic pathologist reported that the cause of death to be community acquired pneumonia along with acute exacerbation of chronic alcohol abuse. The manner of death was natural.

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