Ancient Free Energy Device Re-created? Original Bhaskara's Wheel | Hindu Temple |

2 years ago

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Hey guys, I finally managed to build a perpetual motion device, or a free energy device based on the ancient Indian design by Bhaskara. On the internet, you will mostly see this model, where bottles are attached to the circumference of a wheel, filled with water. But this is not the actual Bhaskara's design. I built the Bhaskara’s wheel based on the original design by Bhaskara. Now what this has, is that it has hollow tubes for spokes and inside these tubes Bhaskara wants us to fill mercury. Now I am going to demonstrate how this perpetual motion device actually works. And I do have mercury so stay tuned and watch till the end of the video and let me know what do you think.

Now, Who is this Bhaskara? Bhaskara also known as Bhaskara the Learned, is an ancient Indian mathematician as well as an astronomer, who lived about 900 years ago. He was the very first person to think of a perpetual motion machine, a wheel that would run forever. He also made several key discoveries including the principles of differential calculus, 500 years before Isaac Newton.

He realized that in this setup, the liquid would keep moving inside, leaving one side of the wheel perpetually heavier than the other, turning the wheel forever. But why do we need a wheel that runs forever?

If we can invent anything that can run forever, then we could get free energy. Today we are buying energy from external sources, but what if there is a machine which can run on its own, then we can tap into it, and make light bulbs glow or run fans, without paying for electricity. This is why devices like the Bhaskara's wheel are called Free Energy Devices. Sometimes, they are also known as Overunity Devices because they operate at an efficiency of more than 100%. If we make a device like this, we can get an unlimited supply of electricity.

#FreeEnergy #Overunity #PerpetualMotion

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