Canadian Covid Deaths - First 3 Years

1 year ago

I take a look at the number of covid-labelled deaths in Canada for 2020, 2021 and 2022, and examine the question of whether the covid vaccines have actually saved millions of lives, as has been claimed by many politicians, public health officials, and members of the media.


Canadian government covid deaths
(this is the main source I used for the covid death numbers)

Reported side effects following COVID-19 vaccination in Canada

COVID-19 vaccination in Canada

Canada's first COVID-19 death is not cause for panic — but shows need to protect most vulnerable

31 Deaths: Toll at Quebec Nursing Home in Pandemic Reflects Global Phenomenon

Canada: neglected residents and rotten food found at care homes hit by Covid-19

Families want change after neglect in Canadian care homes proved deadly during the pandemic

Infestations, sedation and neglect: Military report details ‘horrific’ living conditions in seniors’ homes

Patients died from neglect, not COVID-19, in Ontario LTC homes, military report finds: ‘All they needed was water and a wipe down’

P.E.I. reports first COVID-19 related deaths; 8 in hospital with virus Friday

My Other Videos:

2 + 2 = 5 ~ New South Wales Edition
I look at government data from New South Wales, and discuss some of the ways the government is intentionally misleading the public about the effectiveness of the covid shots.

2 + 2 = 5 ~ Nova Scotia Edition
I look at Nova Scotia government data and show how they're fabricating misinformation, hoping to convince people that the unvaccinated are more at risk from covid.

Apples & Oranges
I take a look at how misinformation spreaders in the government and media use false comparisons to push their nefarious agendas.

Covid - The Little Pandemic that Could
I look at data from Statistics Canada to determine whether covid was really as dangerous as the government and the media would have you believe.

I discuss some of the problems inherent in treating freedom like it's less important than the public feeling safe.

Justin Trudeau - Worst Canadian Ever?
I look at several clips of Justin Trudeau spreading his hate and division, as he does his best to destroy our country.

ProVaxxers - 1 Simple Question
I discuss the child vaccine schedules in Canada & the US, and look at whether vaccinated kids are healthier than unvaccinated kids.

You Down with O.P.P.?
I discuss some of the problems inherent in trusting serial liars.

Canada's Covid Deaths
I take a look at the number of covid deaths in Canada and discuss how they've been grossly exaggerated by the government and the media.

Selfish Assholes who want to Kill Granny
I talk about how the politicians, public health officials, and members of the public who've supported the insane covid restrictions and lockdowns are the real assholes destroying our country.

Pandemic of the (Un)Vaccinated??
I discuss some of the lies the government and the media have pushed to claim that we're experiencing a pandemic of the unvaccinated:
Short Version (25 minutes long)
Original Version (38 minutes long)

David Fisman's "Science"
I take a look at a garbage "research" paper published by David Fisman and his fellow collaborators that claims the unvaccinated are a danger to the vaccinated:

How government and the media manufacture the appearance of a consensus when it comes to their pet issues:

Canada Covid Deaths
I put the number of covid-labeled deaths in Canada into perspective:

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