He or She Peacock #2, Peacock Minute, peafowl.com

7 years ago

On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock shows his peahen changing her feathers into a male peacocks feathers. This is the 5th time this has happened to one of his best peahen egg layer. If you have any speculation, ideas, proof of what’s causing this, please leave a comment on our video. We will explore all idea submitted. I will do more follow up videos on this subject as further information develops. If you want to comment by way of email, contact us at dennisfett@yahoo.com .

Please, do not forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Please join us for every episode of a peacock minute by visiting Mr. Peacock’s website: http://www.peafowl.com/mrpeacock.html or subscribe to our YouTube page at: https://www.youtube.com/user/dmfett

For a more comprehensive video collection, check out Mr. Peacocks’s store at: http://www.peafowl.com/peafowlstore/index.html where you can buy The Wacky World Of Peafowl, The DVD volume 1 & 2, Mr. Peacock & Friends, The TV Show, Season One, and The Adventures Of Purdy Peacock, The DVD, along with his best selling peacock books, The Wacky World Of Peafowl, Volume 1 & 2 along with naturally shedded peacock feathers. from Mr. Peacock’s own peacocks.

E-mail Mr. Peacock or Mrs Peacock at dennisfett@yahoo.com for more information or to give show ideas and do not forget to check out his web site at http://www.peafowl.com

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