[SAILING ERA] Song of the Cape: The Path to the World (Joyce) / Indonesia / Australia (2/6) - Part#8

2 years ago

Kolkata: (0:00)

The Path to the World - Joyce (Lvl 30): (6:35)

Treasure (20k) - E98,N11: (12:05)

Malacca: (15:12)
- Akinokuni Treasure Clue
- High Quality Specialty Contract (1 x Premium Indian Calico)

Palembang: (20:31)
- Rafflesia Clue
- Java Sea Nautical Chart
- Celebes Sea Nautical Chart
- Banda Sea Nautical Chart
- Gulf of Siam Nautical Chart

Jakarta / Batavia: (24:30)
- Eastern India Nautical Chart (Black Market)
- Wim Mestes (The Path to the World #1): (26:21)
- Snake Eating Snake Clue
- Jadeite Clue

Treasure (20k) - E101,S3: (29:10)

"Heart of South Asia" Shipwreck (80k, Agarwood, Silver Artware) - E96, SS3: (30:39)

Treasure (20k) - E118,N6: (41:07)

The Stowaway #1: (41:16)

Brunei: (42:52)
- Mino (3k)
- Bamboo Hat (9k)

Treasure (20k) - E110,S2: (47:24)

The Stowaway #2: (47:39)
- Garaba (Companion)

Yuan Dynasty Merchant Fleet Shipwreck (20k, Silk) - E114,N11: (58:08)

Discovery - St. Elmo's Fire (Preq. Garaba): (59:21)

Discovery - Dugong: (1:04:40)

Shipwreck (30k) - E127,S6: (1:13:147)

Discovery - Maluku Islands (The Path to the World #2): (1:14:05)
Skip Battle: (1:16:25)

Wim Mestes (The Path to the World #3): (1:19:05)

Joyce - Precise Routing Skill: (1:23:38)

Ambon: (1:27:00)
- Stranded Fleet Clue

Treasure (20k) - E132,S2: (1:28:51)

Stranded Fleet Shipwreck (10k) - E142,S10: (1:35:26)
- Discovery Nautilus

Northern Autralia Expedition ***: (1:39:31)

Pingala - The only Port in Australia: (1:45:07)

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